Three Venture Firms Integrating Venture and Philanthropy
As I started out on my journey building Rise Together Ventures, which pairs venture equity investments with parallel philanthropic capital to drive impact in the for-profit world, I was curious whether there were other firms that had similar goals or structures.
Did you know that Andreessen Horowitz has a philanthropic fund?
Yup, they sure do — it’s called the Talent x Opportunity (TxO) Fund, and it’s technically a Donor Advised Fund, or “DAF” (which is similar to a Foundation — check out my last Medium post if you don’t know what a DAF is).
Do you know where $160 billion dollars is sitting?
Meet the DAF. Short for “Donor Advised Fund.” Donor-advised funds are a unique philanthropic tool that allow donors to establish and fund a charitable account with a sponsoring organization that will be used later to support charitable or impact-focused activities.
What Exactly is a Philanthropic Mirror?
A “Philanthropic Mirror” is a pool of philanthropic capital that is allocated alongside an equity investment in a for-profit company collaboratively deployed in support of a strategic impact initiative on behalf of said company.
Hello, World.
My career to date has entirely been in the for-profit sector. I started as an investor, spent a lot of time as an operator in fast-moving startups, and after starting my own family I was presented with the opportunity to explore the mysterious world of Family Offices.